Clinton was disgraced for getting his joint copped in the oval office and then lying about it.

Now Bush is going to be given a pass for filling our nations leadership with his incompetent college buddies, and crimes against the nation and humanity?

Something is wrong with this country if that happens. If we are going to step up and remove someone from power, it should happen when a man in power over steps his bounds, breaks his promises, abuses his position, makes poor decisions, fails us in times of need, doesn't head the past, ignores the voices and needs of the American People, and violates the trust the voters erringly placed in him by bleeding our country dry.

Not because a man can't keep his dick in his pants.

I am watching the news waiting for it. Waiting to just hear the word. Even a hint of the word. Instead I get another opportunity to hear The President speaking with Kansas State students, justifying his war, defending his "leadership" and joking about his dating experience in college. There is nothing funny about this man. A woman stands up and thanks the President for "following his heart and not listening to his critics." He responds to this at length. Minutes later he clumsily dodges a question about illegal wire-tapping, and the media present allow it, rather than have the opportunity for questions cut short. Why are we letting this man and this administration get away with it? They have a DUTY to answer our questions. They have an obligation to LISTEN to us.

Why are the only cries for justice and immediate change coming from blogs and buried websites? With all the "editorial" opportunities created by telivision media, why are we not hearing at least one person, a person with an audience, a voice that could represent a large portion of the country in saying "We want this man out of the White House!"

Instead, they, even those who want the same thing, are keeping silent. We are being distracted by news of Oscar Nights, and Brad Pitt's new baby, while our country coughs and chokes like a Datsun B210 with no oil.

It is not an issue of who will be next, it is not important how long it will take, or how little time he has left already. What matters is that this man, wearing the hat of the leader of our nation, has been given the opportunity to fulfill his role, and he has failed. How many times do we need to see it or hear it or LIVE it?

IMPEACHMENT! There, I said it.

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