Nearly half of Americans (46%) are unable to correctly identify Barack Obama as a Christian including 13% who still maintain that he is a Muslim and another 16% who say they have heard different things about his religion. In addition, 11% say they don't know because they have not heard enough about Obama's religion. The percentage of voters continuing to say that Obama is a Muslim is largely unchanged from June (12%) and March (10%), when the controversy over Obama's former pastor at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ was fresh in many people's minds. In the current survey, nearly one-in-five McCain supporters (19%) say that Obama is a Muslim, up from 14% in MarchThe report also states that nearly 25% of Texans still identify Obama as a Muslim. At the same time, these people find the statements of his Christian Pastor cause for concern over his associations, as he was "a member of Wright's church for a long time." Huh?
I hate the infusion of religion (which is private) into our politics (which are public), but even more, I am disgusted at the effect misinformation can have on voters, and the politicians and activists all too eager to spread it around. From Pew Research:
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