, in the inbox:

The PATRIOT Act is set to expire in just FOUR WEEKS, but Congress is trying to rush through a last minute extension -- and we need to fight back now!

Since it was passed almost a decade ago, some of the most noxious portions of the PATRIOT Act have burrowed their way deep into our legal system -- and last week Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan) introduced legislation to extend them.

Will you click here, and urge your elected officials to let the PATRIOT Act expire?

Together, these provisions make a mockery of our civil liberties:  They let government officials spy on whomever they want, for any reason, without ever letting them know or giving them a chance to challenge the order in court.

Enough is enough: Will you join us in demanding that Congress finally let these provisions expire?

Just click here and we'll send a message to your senator, representative, and President Obama.

Thanks for taking a stand.

 -- The Demand Progress team

P.S. Please consider forwarding this message on to your friends, so we can make sure lawmakers hear from as many people as possible over the next four weeks.


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No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices. -Edward R. Murrow

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