Because I'm still on Cherilyn Eagar's mailing list and I don't want to bogart the hilarity:
Dear [Reactionary Moron],

Thank you for being a strong supporter of liberty in a dangerous time in our nation's history.  First it was the federal take-over of banks, autos, energy, and health care - ObamaCare.

Now it's ObamaCore:  the take-over of education through "Common Core Standards."

On all fronts, President Obama is showing Americans what he really meant when he promised to dramatically transform this nation.

And now America is standing up and fighting back.

Now more than ever, we need you to stand up with us.  The American Leadership Fund was established in 2010 to assist coalitions, candidates and elected state officials in promoting state issues that need our support across this nation.  We have had a strong and effective influence on education, immigration, fighting ObamaCare, and opposing a constitutional convention.

Your immediate help today will go a long way to push back ObamaCore - the progressive education agenda of the Left destroying free enterprise and the American Dream.

ObamaCore and State NCLB Waivers
Unfortunately, Utah is once again on the front lines of progressive education, having recently been approved for the ObamaCore waiver, also supported by Washington special interests and unions.

If you don't live in Utah, is YOUR state on board with the Common Core NCLB waiver?  Chances are, the answer is "yes."

You see, it's a Catch 22.  It's either No Child Left Behind (NCLB), which has been another federal failure, or the waiver, which requires the adoption of federal "Common Core Standards."

This waiver violates federal statute by imposing a centralization of standards, testing and curriculum.  It also drastically alters prior legislation (FERPA), which has traditionally protected parental and student privacy rights in the past.

With this new Common Core waiver, not only will privacy be gone.  Another generation of American children will once again be subjected to new round of lowering the basketball standard so all students can shoot the basket, a typical progressive dumbing-down strategy that resurfaces with new names and labels.  

ACTION ALERT:  What You Can Do
  • Attend The Common Core Forum - FREE to the Public
    (or request a copy of the recorded version by clicking here.)
Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Larry H. Miller Free Enterprise Building Auditorium
Salt Lake Community College Campus
9750 South 300 West, Sandy, Utah

Featured Speakers Include:
Dr. Bill Evers, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; member, Mitt Romney's Education Policy Advisory Group; former United States Assistant Secretary of Education under George W. Bush
Kent D. Talbert, co-founder, Talbert & Eitel, PLLC; former General Counsel, United States Department of Education under George W. Bush
Emmett McGroarty, Esq., Director of Education Policy, American Principles Project; author, ALEC anti-common core legislation; founder, network
James Gass, Director, Center for School Reform, Pioneer Institute

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